Sunday, November 23, 2014

Skunked Up North

It doesn't happen every time, but it happens often enough where we make the 5+ hour trip to the Trinity and hardly see a fish the whole weekend.

Maher and I headed up for early-season steelhead trip following some decent rain in California only to find the river completely blown out and more or less unfishable. Driving to the river Saturday we saw four guide boats booking it up river and knew something was amiss. We put on at Sky Ranch in clear water that turned to chocolate within our first 30 min on the river. Regardless, we made the best of it, but in the end a bottle of rye got the best of us. No fish and soaking wet, it was still a great day on the river. 

Sunday's conditions were a little better, we went up high on the river with pretty much every other boat that was out, but the fish really weren't up that high yet and we only saw a few boats around us catch anything. With my huge final trip on the Trinity last season it's only to be expected to get a humbling one or two in before we feel the tug again. 

Early in the day & optimistic

Ellie enjoying a moment or two out of the boat

Lunch master Maher

With a captive audience

No fish, but good eats

Maher finally hooks into one

But she's just a little lady

Maybe some day this little native will be a ocean running pig

We succumbed to the inevitable

Pull after pull as the water browns up and side creeks flood in

Getting dark to the west

Back at the ranch

Attempting to dry out for the evening

Maher at the office

A few drinks & a few cigars

Back on the river day two

Geared up for the elements

It was a chilly day on the river

Working hard, but found nada

Gorgeous afternoon reflections as we near the takeout